From the serendipitous college encounters to the brink of matrimonial bliss, their odyssey has been woven with the threads of enduring affection. Across the American landscape, their hearts were imprinted with the melodies of love. As they traverse the hallowed paths of reminiscence, immortalized in their engagement photos, they're whisked away to the enchanting beginnings of their romance, eagerly awaiting the unfurling tapestry of happiness that awaits.

BOOK AN appointment
Thank you for considering us to accompany you on your iconic wedding day.
We want your wedding pictures to be as unique, en-chanting, and authentic as you and your love. We wish to create picture-perfect content for you to cherish for years to come. We would be very happyto schedule a meeting with you via video call or see you in person to discuss your dream wedding vision, ideas, and wishes.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me in case of any queries or suggestions regarding this pricing guide or your wedding day.


Another Lu 摄影工作室
www.anotherluhphoto.com | info@anotherluphoto.com | 415-316-3517